Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Finding causes.

So yes. Quite evidently, this happens to be my first. As they say, all you ever need is 'INSPIRATION',  could take any form. And once it strikes, there ain't no looking back.
And inspiration, this big word is backed by a 'CAUSE'. And a cause, in fact, rules the way we live our lives. Our minds tend to wonder about the causes of everything that we face in life. And so it makes it so obvious and so important to look for causes.
Well, cutting to the chase, I want to put this one in as part of my first post.
This is where my inspiration comes from. And this is something extremely close to my heart for each word rises up as a moment lived and felt. Very much part of me, my life.
And I'm sure each of us shall be able to connect.
So here it goes...

Finding the cause

Where did I lack,
Why is this day black?
You came in like a silver lined cloud
And manoeuvred your way back behind the mountains
Without letting me feel the drops of the rain shower on my palm.

What drove you away
Come let me know.
What was it that charmed you off
How easy it was to crumple over my life

Here I stand devastated
Here I stand with a decayed soul
Finding fissure in my expression of thought

Missing how I were the gleam in your eyes
Missing how I were the reason that you smiled
And how you were a storm in my heart
And how you rolled as a wheel under my cart

I let you off
you let me go
Was it so weak
Just let me know

I thrashed you away
Hoping you would pull me close
And let me hear your heartbeat
And how it called my name

I took on silence
Hoping you would steal it away from my lips
Make me yours
And leave me standing with a grin

I hated you
Hoping you would embrace me
Hold me in your arms
And make me live my world under your eyes

Oh, why are all those days gone
Why the memories forgone
Tell me was it never true
When you came in out of the blue

Those nights that we spent together
Those smiles that we glanced over
Those moments when our love was ripe
Just you and me, when that was life

You meant the world
And so much more
My earth my air
For None else I cared

And now there's nothing but a cold heart
Why does your face grimace

Does it mean it never meant to you
All that was said
And made to believe
If no, then why this play of thrones

How is it that you're not affected
When all the passion now takes a halt
Why don't you call me back again
And say you love me all the more

Let's get back
For nothing else
No longing. No charisma
No ardour. No desire

Only to look into each other's eyes
Look deep within
And trace how our love cried.

Come with me
Come hold my hand
Come touch me one last time
Come, let's find the cause
And then I let you leave.

– Divya Rathi