Saturday, 6 December 2014

Pallbearer Of The Past

She continued to sit by the window
As the summers transformed to winters
The sun lit the bronze in her hair and revealed the hollows of the fawn eyes
The eyes that were once embraced with splendour unfathomable
And are now worn out fantasising the paradoxical return of the chariot that carried away all of her desires

Her soul became an impermeable enclosure of burnt hopes
Concealed to perfection with an illuminated face bearing gleaming smiles 
But the smiles that once illuminated her eyes are long dead 
And resurrection is beautiful but fiction
Fiction that she now holds against faith

Having built an existence around the passions that she lost in the battle with herself
Having constructed domes of the present with the ashes of burnt hopes
She has been called thoughtless and miserly
But wasn't it finer to survive a promising delusion
Than to return back to grimace over actuality that is just a pallbearer of the past?

–Divya Rathi