Wednesday, 25 May 2016


Rationale has ruled us longer, perhaps, than the era of colonisation.
For good, some would say,
While along with others I'd beg to differ, 
Differ for I have known logic to have slain surreal dreams for realistic ones,
And drifted apart in a sense, science from art. 

They would say I was poetic until I wasn't anymore,
And this, because one fine day I chose to believe life came with more thorns than roses.
The strength with which I bore the belief made it hard for me to look forth, 
I now stood on my own two feet bouldering the hallway of my imagination that once knew no bounds.

I chained myself to look at pigments rather than hues,
To feel the Mercury rather than warmth,
To study psychologies rather than endearing emotions.
With the concretes of my pragmatism I let the nature of my being be devastated. 

This we but allow to happen to each of us,
Be consumed by rejections and failures,
Forgoing the heritage of our visions at the behest of the concretes of our cognition. 
And hence the education that was meant to empower the existence ends up instead, shooting bullets right into the soul of our souls. 

Grow by leaps and bounds, I do not argue against that, 
But do not let the magnificence of achievement diminish the power of belief.
Believe still in the early morning dreams and believe in the ballads of ethereal romance, 
For the essence of what you are lies in what you can see beyond the proven and documented.

I decide now, to hold my pen up again, and firm
Break free of all barriers of judgement before they engulf me into a lifetime of captivity and lull. 
Stirring my volition away from the accustomed, I lead myself into seeing more than the visible, 
And with that, I'm a poet again.

-- Divya Rathi

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

The Baton of Fear

Ever wondered, what would happen if the skies fell down upon you while you lay under them gazing the starlight 
Or if the sun burnt you alive while you embraced the warmth of it into your lives
As irrational as this are the fears that web your existence 
Irrational still is the escapade you deemed would lead you out of the fear 
Before you knew it, it had consumed all of what you used to be 
And implanted instead, a life succumbed and subservient to itself 
Stop now. 
Stop erecting citadels to keep the fear from permeating through 
Step out of the sheepish shell and buy what life offers to sell to you 
Now is the time to be faced with the fear that floats around 
Never again if not this day 
For its wiser to battle and conquer the riches that most crave
Than carrying a burden of apprehensions to the grave 
The choice is simple and clear 
You're either alive or you're dead
No other poles were ever attached to this thread 
The greatest of lives were lived beyond the horizons of fear 
For the true meaning of success was to defeat the fear that failure bears 
So hold firm the baton of fear that has been handed over 
It is both an onus and an opportunity 
Do not let the onus restrict you, allow yourself to be liberated by opportunity 
Run wild and chase your dreams by letting the fear set you free. 

– Divya Rathi

Monday, 4 January 2016

Remember to Forget

It's been so long 
That she's counted hours that've added to days
And days that've to months 
All of which she'd spent to remember to forget you 

Years have repeated themselves over 

Bringing back all the first times and all the first days 
Driving her down to all the first places
Where she continues to take herself to remember to forget you

She grew from being naive 

To one that wouldn't ever be again 
She struggles now, to conceal her limp, for the hard crutches of resilience have begun to hurt too
Yet, pushes herself, and never ceases, to remember to forget you 

For what have you brought her

But grief and humiliation, and endless sleepless nights
Letting her go just when she would begin to believe you would never
The faith that has been walked over, only reminds her each day to remember to forget you

Don't bask in the light of irreplaceability and pride 

It was the best love you just let out and it's a roundabout life we're talking about
The limp would recover soon, and she'd walk far and away steady 
But you'd drown in the marsh of falsity you stepped yourself into, struggling to forget to remember her.

– Divya Rathi