Ever wondered, what would happen if the skies fell down upon you while you lay under them gazing the starlight
Or if the sun burnt you alive while you embraced the warmth of it into your lives
As irrational as this are the fears that web your existence
Irrational still is the escapade you deemed would lead you out of the fear
Before you knew it, it had consumed all of what you used to be
And implanted instead, a life succumbed and subservient to itself
Stop now.
Stop erecting citadels to keep the fear from permeating through
Step out of the sheepish shell and buy what life offers to sell to you
Now is the time to be faced with the fear that floats around
Never again if not this day
For its wiser to battle and conquer the riches that most crave
Than carrying a burden of apprehensions to the grave
The choice is simple and clear
You're either alive or you're dead
No other poles were ever attached to this thread
The greatest of lives were lived beyond the horizons of fear
For the true meaning of success was to defeat the fear that failure bears
So hold firm the baton of fear that has been handed over
It is both an onus and an opportunity
Do not let the onus restrict you, allow yourself to be liberated by opportunity
Run wild and chase your dreams by letting the fear set you free.
– Divya Rathi