Wednesday, 12 June 2019


Do, what shall we, to cease to question 
Why this all matters 
The race of egos 
The clash of expectations
The need for compromises 
The needlessly needful complication of existence.

Do, what shall we, to cease to question
Why are ourselves so hard to explain
Aspirationally so away from convention 
Our demons riding over our angels
Yet, us placing over them, a hand of harmony 

Do, what shall we, to cease to question
Why does their necessity shine in sacrosanctity 
While ours shadows in servitude 
As we wage suppositious wars 
To step up to demand and equate 
Only to extinguish them, with our lull

Do, what shall we, to cease to question 
Why we can’t be looked at for who we are 
Over being critiqued for who we could be
As we put in our greatest to bare our souls 
Only to become slaves of the images that they built of (for) us

Do, what shall we, to cease to question
Why they would only lend us a ear 
To hear, never listen 
To slander, never sympathise 
Up until then, that our voices lose life, our words - their meaning

Do, what shall we?
Cease to show? To see?
Cease to talk? To listen? 
Cease to feel? Be felt? 


Sunday, 14 April 2019

Don’t Call Me Home

For there wait the winds of my past to
Engulf me yet again to relive
Stories that left me bruised 
Deep within where
Even the rays of healing fade

For there lies the fragrance of 
The oil of the lamp that burned 
When in harmony, my dreams burned along
Moment after moment for
A myriad sleepless nights 

For there stay conversations that
Have floated over the pyres of 
Abandoned promises of monumental loves that 
Once added life to life 
Only to have created a mirage of nothingness

For there haunt the 
Dark and deserted shadows of 
Who I used to be who 
I wish I could go back to being who 
I must though never become

...don’t call me home

— Divya Rathi